BIG BODY is a home BIG BODY is a network BIG BODY is a reaction to the state of the world BIG BODY is Helga Arnalds BIG BODY is uncultivated field BIG BODY is Ingunn Fjóla Ingþórsdóttir BIG BODY is focusing on the body BIG BODY is Guðrún Vera Hjartardóttir BIG BODY is sensing in the landscape BIG BODY is Nicola Visser BIG BODY is being together in silence BIG BODY is Eygló Harðardóttir BIG BODY is like the sea BIG BODY is Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir BIG BODY is a group of artists and scholars from the Nordic countries working in the field of visual/performing arts and environmental philosophy BIG BODY is Rósa Sigrún Jónsdóttir BIG BODY is a source BIG BODY is Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir BIG BODY is slowing down BIG BODY is Elsa Dóróthea Gísladóttir BODY gives you energy BIG BODY is Ástríður Magnúsdóttir BIG BODY is a driving force BIG BODY is Gunndís Ýr Finnbogadóttir BIG BODY is a place to cultivate intuition BIG BODY is Charlotte Thrane BIG BODY is a place to learn to trust women BIG BODY is Ida Elke Kallehave BIG BODY is an embodied engagement with landscape BIG BIG BODY is cohesion with our surroundings BIG BODY is deep listening…