Led by Nicola Visser and Astrid Elmstrøm
This is for you if you have an interest in movement expression and play. We start with simple and familiar things - like our hands - and we build toward larger dance improvisations. It’s fun.
Join us as you are. Bring a snack for the break. Fully accessible venue. No prior experience needed.
Email with any questions nicolavisser@gmail.com
Booking here www.fo.dk
Venue: Generationernes Hus Multipurpose hall
10 - 12:30
9 April
7 May
11 June.
Notes: We would like to know a little about you before you arrive, so we can plan as best as possible according to your physical needs. Also if you have a helper attending it would be best if they participate as well.

Photo credits. Tina Madsen nicola visser Tina dixen Rasmussen.
A+B (Any + Body)
This is an open class in contemporary dance. It is also an integrated dance class. Join Astrid and Nicky as they begin with gentle somatic (body sense) work, and extend into a composition in the space through improvisation dance tasks.
Venue: GH Multipurpose Hall Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Dates: Mondays from Week 9.
Participants: All welcome. It helps to have an interest in dance expression and a curious mind. No prior dance training is needed. Email nicolavisser@gmail.com with any questions. English is used.
Booking here www.fo.dk
Notes: We would like to know a little about you before you arrive, so we can plan as best as possible according to your physical needs. Also if you have a helper attending it would be best if they participate as well.

Photo credits. Tina Madsen nicola visser Tina dixen Rasmussen.