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31 October
10:00 - 17.00
(one hour for lunch)
Det Blå Hus, Oddervej 80,8270,Højbjerg
All welcome. No prior experience needed.
Bring a blanket and lunch.
Email us to confirm your attendance, or ask questions:
A one-day contemplative movement exploratorium with Jori and Nicky
In our day together we will experiment with ways in which to hold space for ourselves and others through moving attention. We continue with our explorations from our day in nature
- this time, indoors.
It will be a day of light, play-infused explorations that take us to the center and to the edges of our awareness. We explore ways of tuning atmosphere and tuning to space, in partners, and as a group. We nurture delight in following our curiosity and the stories that arise in the moment.
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